A Guide to Manage Your Busy Work Schedule

It can be stressful to manage a busy work schedule, especially during periods when your workload increases dramatically. Many office workers have to juggle multiple assignments at the same time, and it’s easy to lose track of individual assignments. Next time you feel overwhelmed, try using this guide to keep track of things so nothing gets lost in the shuffle.

Create a Project Schedule

In order to properly balance your workload, you need to set up a work schedule to follow. Instead of working on multiple projects at a time, it might be better to spend a few hours on one project, then move on to the next one.

Set a specific amount of time each day to work on each project so you don’t spend too much time on just one. Write this schedule down in a planner or on your phone so you can review it at any time. Don’t be afraid to make adjustments to this schedule if deadlines start to creep up on you.

Prioritize Based on Importance/Deadlines

When balancing your workload, it’s crucial that you prioritize certain assignments. Certain assignments are more important than others, and if you focus on the less important assignments first you won’t have enough time to get the bigger ones done. Go through your list of projects and determine which ones you should do first.

A good rule of thumb is to prioritize the assignments that have the closest deadlines. By clearing these out of the way first you will not have to worry about turning them in past the deadline. Just don’t forget about your other projects in the meantime.

Ask for Help

If you feel like you can’t get all of your assignments done yourself, don’t be afraid to ask a coworker for help. Many office workers are afraid to ask others for help, sometimes because they don’t want to force their workloads onto others. It never hurts to ask, however, and if coworkers have some free time they may be more than happy to take some work off your plate.

Also, you should focus on the most important tasks yourself, and see if any of your coworkers can help you with the tasks that aren’t as pressing. That way you can get the critical projects taken care of while someone else handles the smaller stuff.

Remove Distractions

If you want to get your projects completed before their respective deadlines, you need to stay focused during work hours. In order to do this, you need to get rid of anything that might be a distraction to you. Even something as simple as checking your phone can waste time if you do it too often.

Turn off your phone if you aren’t expecting any calls, and log off social media sites if you feel obligated to check your feeds.

This isn’t to say that you should avoid taking breaks, because you will need to rest for short periods so you don’t get burned out. However, you shouldn’t let small distractions keep you from getting your work done.

Take Breaks When Necessary (Don’t Overdo It)

While it’s important that you get all of your assignments done in a timely fashion, you also need to make sure you aren’t killing yourself in the process. When you have a lot of work to get done, it can be tempting to work on it nonstop. Not only does this take a toll on your health, but it can also affect the quality of the work.

Before you switch over to work on a different assignment, take a 15 to 30 minute break to collect your thoughts and recharge. Grab a snack, take a walk if the weather is nice outside, or listen to your favorite song. Getting your work done is important, but your mental and physical health should also be a priority.

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