Did you know that hiking can have physical and emotional benefits? If your organization is looking to fuel productivity and develop leaders, hiking may just be the answer. Here are just a few potential benefits to consider:
Lower Stress Levels
Hiking has been known to combat common symptoms of stress and anxiety. By getting outside and being in nature, people who hike are often more equipped to deal with mood swings, unexpected stress, and quick decision making. They can also become more positive, well-rounded employees.
Boost Energy
Hiking is known as an aerobic activity, meaning it brings extra oxygen and fuel to your muscles. As a result, many people may experience strengthened energy levels which in turn boost their agility, alertness, and efficiency.
Become More Focused
Hikers have the benefit of getting away from technology that can sometimes drain energy levels and productivity. Instead, walking through nature can help clear minds and improve cognitive ability, in turn helping people focus more while they’re at work.
Be Independent
Hiking, particularly in areas without WiFi or cell service, requires hikers to become comfortable with responsibility. Particularly if you’re in charge of other hikers on the trail, it can help people become more self-sufficient, independent, tough, and resilient, all important qualities to have as a professional leader.
Improve Your Memory
Oftentimes, multitasking throughout the day and dealing with regular distractions, can sometimes negatively impact your brain. Hiking, however, can help combat those effects as it allows you to think more clearly, develop a greater focus, and improve your memory.
Some other benefits of hiking are sparking creativity, becoming more physically fit, building your endurance, and appreciating the simple joys in life. The great news about these potential benefits is that they can not only improve your professional life, but also your personal life. If hiking isn’t your style, consider going outside for an hour each day (weather permitting) and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.
If you want to try working outside, consider using Deflecto’s Mobile Laptop Desk. Check out this video to learn more.
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