Social media websites are helpful tools for businesses, but they cannot help you if you use them improperly. Poor use of social media can lead to problems, including lost sales and a worsened public image. Avoid making these common mistakes so you don’t have a PR disaster on your hands.
Don’t Skip the Planning Process
When it comes to social media marketing of any kind, it’s important to have a plan. Despite this, some companies ignore the process of developing a marketing plan, and simply decide to wing it. This can have devastating consequences, especially if you don’t know who you are supposed to be marketing to in the first place.
Before you upload any content to your social media page, determine who you are marketing to. Set goals, and decide what you want your advertisements to accomplish. Finally, formulate an upload schedule, so you know exactly when to upload certain pieces of content.
Without a dedicated plan, you won’t find success easily on social media.
Frequently Upload Content, But Don’t Spam
A social media account that has no content is not going to get you any conversions. If you are going to use a social media account to market your content, you have to stick with it and upload content on a regular basis. Develop a release schedule, and make sure you are posting every few weeks. By failing to do so, you can lose the interest of potential clients.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, spamming your followers with too much content in a short amount of time is not a good idea either. When you post too much on social media you run the risk of flooding the homepages of your followers. This will inevitably annoy them, and they might unfollow your account.
Don’t Ignore Your Audience
Keeping your audience interested is the key to a successful marketing campaign, so it’s never a good idea to ignore their feedback. It’s important that you make your users happy, so if they have any issues with your business you should listen to them. If you ignore your clients they will feel like their voices aren’t being heard, and they will move on to another company without a second thought.
If a user asks you a question on social media, do what you can to answer it. If someone posts a harsh critique of your business, don’t simply delete the comment and pretend it doesn’t exist. Try to contact the person directly and reach out for feedback, so you can improve.
Never Lie
This should be an obvious step for most business owners, but there are some companies who think lying to customers is a smart decision. Sometimes companies lie in their content in a vain attempt to pull in more users. While this can work in the short term, this can tremendously backfire if your clients determine the truth. This damages your credibility and makes it much harder to attract new clients.
If you are promoting one of your products or services on social media, be completely honest. Be passionate, and explain why the item’s features can benefit consumers. After all, if you are confident in the reliability of your services and products, you shouldn’t have to lie about them to your customers.
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