Creating Growth in the New Year

The new year is a great time to reflect on the past while simultaneously looking ahead to the future of your business. Here are some ways to jump start growth and prosperity for 2021.

Learn from the Past

Last year was a difficult year for many organizations. Keep this in mind when reviewing the successes and any missteps of 2020. By learning from past experiences you can help your company grow and become more successful. Consider what you hoped to accomplish last year and if it’s something you’re still interested in pursuing. Perhaps you hoped to expand your team, open another location, etc. Consider if these goals are still on your ‘to do’ list and if you want to accomplish them this year. Sometimes circumstances change and it’s best to pivot your goals.

Plan for the Future

As you make your plans for the future, it’s important to take the economic climate into consideration. Make a point to educate yourself on the latest business trends and economic stats to ensure you’re well-prepared to make decisions and continuously adapting with the times. This is also a great time to seek advice from your mentors. Sometimes an outside perspective is helpful to guide your thinking when it comes to  improving the overall business.

Communication Party

Communication is a key part of any successful business. Use the start of the new year as an opportunity to ask your colleagues their thoughts on how last year went, what went wrong, what went right, and how the company can progress.

Furthermore, maintaining a healthy line of communication with everyone in the company will allow the overall productivity and efficiency of the organization to improve.

Keep the Budget in Mind

While it can be helpful to think of ways to reduce costs, you should also consider the most beneficial ways to use that money, from investing in more effective hiring practices to hiring interns to learn and grow alongside the business. Focusing on how you can use your budget to improve the business and invest in future growth is integral when it comes to long term success.

The start of a new year is a great time to learn more about how you can stay organized and remain effective in business while going through transition periods. Check out this trailer for Smead’s podcast, “Keeping You Organized.”

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