Decluttering Your Digital Workspace

Along with the growing trend of telecommuting we have entered the era of completely digital workspaces. Since you may no longer have a physical desk or cubicle to clutter, perhaps you have started to accumulate more files, folders, and downloads than you realized? Take back your workspace and take back your workday by decluttering your digital workspace.

Get Appy

Go look at each application that your computer currently has on it. There are probably a few on there that you have no idea where they even came from let alone why they are even on your computer. For Windows users, simply go to your Control Panel and choose to “Add or Remove Programs.” From here you can see just about everything that has been downloaded. Right click and send to the Trash if you don’t plan on using it. For Mac users, go to Finder and then Applications. Drag and drop in the Trash to clear up some space on your hard drive.

Tip from the Pros: Don’t forget to completely empty your Trash. These trashed files are not fully removed from your computer until you conduct this last step.

Browser Binging

Open up each browser that you have on your computer (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) and go to your bookmark tab. Take a look at those recipes, surveys, and blog posts and remove the ones that you’ve never looked at and most likely won’t. Clean out your e-mail as well. There are people who have thousands of e-mails from years past that have been forgotten. They take up way more space than you can imagine and slow down your Internet speed.

Tip from the Pros: Clear out your cache once a week to speed up your time loading pages.

Set-up a System

There truly is a place for everything and everything should go into it’s place. Folders are an underused tool and wonderful way to get yourself organized. For example, make one folder for each client. Break it down by year, then month, and even by topic. Make it as specific as possible so you can spend less time searching and more time actually working.

Tip from the Pros: Save even more space by zipping or compressing larger files with WinZip.

Clear Out to the Cloud

A cloud-based system is an excellent alternative to storing everything on your computer’s hard drive. It could truly revolutionize your storing needs. Most companies will allow you to customize your storage plan for the space that you or your company might need.

Tip from the Pros: A cloud system is ideal for the company that has several employees who telecommute. They can all work on one project even if they are in different time zones or continents.

Many companies are allowing employees to telecommute a few days a week and come into the office once or twice. So if you still have a physical workspace, try to keep your space in tiptop organization with the right accessories.


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