Step into Spring

Last month we asked you to tell us which season was your most productive. The poll results showed some people found no difference between seasons, a handful preferred winter and fall, however, an overwhelming majority chose spring as their most productive time of year. We compiled a list of ways to bring spring into your workspace so you can enjoy the sunshine while remaining efficient on the job.

Emphasize Light

Bringing in some natural daylight is helpful when it comes to improving your overall productivity while also enjoying the spring season. If your workspace has windows, keep them open and let the light shine through. If you don’t have any natural daylight in your office, invest in one or two lamps to help balance the light throughout the room and bring some warmth into your space.

Bring in Some Green

Small, low-maintenance plants are a great way of bringing another layer of spring into your space. Plants are known to improve your cognitive capabilities and the air quality in your workspace. If you don’t have a green thumb, investing in some fake plants can still help you bring your space to life and make it feel fresh.

Invest in a Spring Scent

While it’s often not the first thing on people’s minds, bringing a fresh scent into your workspace can have great effects on your mood. Consider choosing a scent that reminds you of a memory or the season, like the smell of salt water, flowers, freshly cut grass, or anything that will help stimulate a sense of calm and peace in your workspace.

Try Some Spring Cleaning

Unlike the others, rather than bringing new stuff in, this one requires taking the clutter out. The start of the spring season can be a great opportunity to sort through old files, documents, and papers and decide what items you should keep and which ones you should toss. By starting out the season in an organized, clean fashion, your workspace will instantly feel fresh and your productivity will prosper as a result.

Try these suggestions so you can step into spring every time you enter your workspace.

You can make springtime even more productive with Fellowes Tallo Modular™ Monitor Arms. Check out this video to learn more about how it can improve your efficiency while on the job.

Sponsored by: Step into Spring 1   Step into Spring 2

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