Why Washing Your Hands is Good For You

Before you eat or after you use the restroom, do you wash your hands? While sanitation and cleanliness may be the first thing to come to mind, there are also other benefits. Here is a list of all the good things hand washing has to offer.

Prevent Spread of the Flu

The CDC recommends frequent hand washing to prevent influenza. If you cannot find running water at your current location, consider carrying around hand sanitizer to reduce germs.

Improved Respiratory Health

Think about the number of surfaces you touch a day. Has anyone else touched them who had a cold? If so, there’s a good chance of catching what another person had. Wash your hands after touching surfaces in high traffic areas.

Reduces Risk in Hospitals & Doctors’ Offices

When in hospitals, your body could be exposed to various infections that you might not commonly find in other places. The CDC states that 1 in 25 hospital patients become sick from healthcare facilities every day. Washing hands after touching common surfaces, such as doorknobs, can prevent the spread of harmful healthcare disease.

Healthier Skin

While washing your hands too frequently with soap can damage your skin, rinsing with pure water can help moisturize your skin. Perfect for when your skin gets dry during winter!
If you don’t wash your hands as often as you should, now is a good time to start! Ensure that you use warm water with soap to help fight off germs and benefit from the info above.

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Why Washing Your Hands is Good For You 1

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