With many people returning to the office, now is a great time to start considering your current setup and any changes you can possibly make to improve the environment. After working from home for so long, employees returning to the office are seeking environments that offer flexibility and are designed to promote mental well-being. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you evaluate your organization’s office space.
Elements of Nature
Plants can be essential for mental well-being and productivity in the workplace. Consider bringing the outdoors in by adding plants to your office or using plants with a similar appearance, such as succulents. Studies have shown that simply having plants present can improve worker satisfaction, stress levels, productivity, and creativity at work. If you have an open-plan office space, consider incorporating small indoor gardens into one corner of the room.
Proper Lighting
The proper lighting should be a top priority for any office space. Research has shown that the right amount of light can help improve mood and productivity. In fact, some studies have found that workers in well-lit offices tend to feel more motivated, enthusiastic about their work, and less stressed than those working in dark spaces.
In offices where employees are sitting at desks or working on computers all day, it’s important to consider adjustable overhead lighting options so they can adjust it accordingly depending on what they’re doing at the moment.
Create Diverse Spaces for Different Working Styles
When you’re working, it can be helpful to have different spaces for different tasks. For example, some employees who need to focus on detailed work will likely benefit from a quiet environment. Conversely, those who are brainstorming for creative solutions may prefer a more open space with more stimuli in order to gain inspiration. Whether your breakroom doubles as a brainstorming zone or you transform cubicles into a private oasis for those who need to focus, adjusting your space to your employee’s needs can help to foster productivity and workplace happiness.
Keep these tips in mind as you revamp your office space.
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