Technology has become a constant fixture in most lives today, but with all that power comes responsibility. When using electronics in the office, consider these tech etiquette tips.
Mobile Devices
Most people can’t help but use their phone when in the office, particularly for phone calls. That being said, you want to ensure that while in use you’re not disrupting your coworkers. Try your best to keep the call short, or move to an area where you will not be disturbing others. Since mobile devices can also have spotty service at times, it can also be effective to arrange a call on a landline so you have better service quality and feel less of a need to raise your voice.
Social Media
Unless social media is a part of your work responsibility, it’s best to keep the social scrolling to a minimum. Go through your company IT policy and procedures to get a better understanding of what is permissible, and try your best to only use social networks during your lunch break.
Laptops in Meetings
While using your laptop in a meeting can be an efficient way of taking notes, it’s important to only do so when it will benefit the overall goal of the meeting. Oftentimes, it can be easy to start working on something else or sending emails rather than actually paying attention to the task at hand.
Replacing Toner and Ink
While it may not be your favorite thing to do, if you run out of toner or ink while using the printer, try your best not to leave it for someone else to replace. Your coworkers will be thankful and it will reduce the times that you come across a printer that has run out of supplies.
Following these tech etiquette tips will not just boost overall happiness in your work environment but will also increase productivity and efficiency.
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