Ways to be More Productive with Microsoft Office Suite

Microsoft Office has been a staple in the office for almost two decades now. Despite new offerings from other companies, many employers choose to use Microsoft Office for creating spreadsheets, presentations, and for e-mail solutions. However, there might be a few shortcuts or features you haven’t learned yet (and don’t worry, Clippy won’t make an appearance in this article.)


Increase Font Size With Just Your Keyboard

Rather than highlighting text and heading to your tool bar to change the font size, you can do it right on your keyboard. To increase the font size on a PC, hit Ctrl + Shift + >. To increase it on a Mac, hit Command + Shift + >. To decrease the size, all you have to do is hit Ctrl/Command + Shift + <. This can save you a few seconds of time for that moment when Word decides to change a font and size when entering a new line.


Convert a PDF into a Word File

Ever had a PDF that you needed to write on, but don’t have Adobe Acrobat on your computer? There are many websites and applications, like Nitro, that offer complimentary and paid tools to help you convert PDF’s into Excel sheets, Word Documents, and even PowerPoint presentations.


Take Microsoft Office Wherever You Go

Are you on a computer without Microsoft Word? It’s no longer a problem. Office 365 offers in-browser versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, and Publisher for users. You also get access to Skype and 1 terabyte on OneDrive, providing you plenty of room for the files you need to access on the go. You can also access Microsoft Office on any PC, Mac, smartphone, or tablet with your monthly subscription.


Add Public Holidays & Other Times Zones in Outlook

Have a client based in a foreign country and not sure when they will be out of the office? Outlook can automatically add public holidays for over 100 countries right into your calendar. Go to File> Options> Calendar> Add Holidays to choose what countries holidays you would like in your calendar.


Did you know that you could also display time zones for another locale while in your Outlook calendar? For those of you with an Outlook version after 2010, you can compare time zones when creating a calendar invite. Go to File> Options> Calendar. Once you’re there, look for the “Time Zones” headers and check off “Show a second time zone.” Then select the time zone you want and create a label for it.


Productivity Pointer:  With newer versions of Microsoft Office, you can install apps or add-ons to integrate Bing’s dictionary, to check for plagiarism, or to check hyperlinks for suspicious or broken links.


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