Archive for June 2016
Why Everyday Should Be Bring Your Pet to Work Day
Many offices have bring your kid to work day, but how about your pets? Sometimes, people consider their pets as their own children. Approximately 20 percent of Americans work in pet-friendly offices, and 23 percent believe pets should be allowed at work. Here are a few reasons why the only barking in your office shouldn’t come from higher ups.
Read MoreFive Exercises You’re Doing Incorrectly
When working out, there can be room for error with any exercise you try, but using too much weight, or not lifting weight correctly can cause injuries. Below are a few common exercises where mistakes are frequently made, and some solutions to improve your posture and form.
Read MoreWhich Artwork is Best for Your Office?
While you might not have a preference of what your office looks like, your guests and clients will certainly notice. First impressions are important, and bare walls may not lead to trust. According to a study from the UK, 55 percent of office workers are unsatisfied by the artwork in their office space. Not sure where to start? Here are a few key points for your consideration.
Read MoreIs Your Desk a Wreck?
How would you rate your desk? Grab a sheet of paper or open up your notes program on your computer and answer the questions below. Each answer will count for the following number of points:
Read MoreStove & Oven Free Recipes
Turning on an oven or stove on a hot summer day might make your home feel stifling. The last thing you probably want to do on a 90-degree day is to bake a pot roast or heat up potatoes. Just in time for summer, here are a few recipes that are easy to make and don’t require you to turn on a stove or oven.
Read MoreGetting Ready for Retirement
Have you been thinking about retiring? Before you give your two weeks notice, there are many important decisions you will need to think about. Creating a plan for your finances when you retire might take you a lot of time. Here is a timeline of what you should be doing to maximize your earnings during retirement.
Read MoreHealthy Activities After Work
It was only a few months ago that the sun might have been setting on your way to work. Summer is finally here, and with that comes an opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors, even after a long day at the office. While some of the activities below might be no brainers, some are ones you may not have thought of. Here are a few ways you can enjoy those long summer evenings, while getting in some exercise.
Read MoreCoworking Cooperation
As workspaces become more flexible, so do the various options workers have to choose from. Coworking spaces are the newest wave of flexible workspaces, allowing customers to pay a monthly membership fee for shared use of a collaborative or private office space. These workspaces have also become more popular due to the rise in telecommuting, even outside of major cities. According to the National Association of Industrial Office Professionals, the number of coworking spaces in the United States went from one in 2005 to 781 in 2013. Below are a few reasons why you should consider coworking spaces.
Read MoreBenefits of Having a Dual Monitor Workstation
As work hours become longer, there is a constant concern about workplace productivity. By delivering your employees the right tools, they can remain productive. If you keep them happy, healthy, and comfortable, productivity will increase. Dual monitor workstations can help employees work faster by displaying two different documents, internet webpages, or emails at the same time. See how productivity can improve with the incorporation of dual monitor workstations.
Read MoreBest Gifts for Summer Gatherings
It’s finally summer. With beach trips and invitations for BBQ’s streaming in, you might be trying to get creative with what you can bring as a gift for your host. Want some different ideas? Here are some items that are often overlooked.
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